Hi guys I'm Sarah
You probably already know that from my profile. But I mean who reads those anyways. (Me.) I recently started to get interested in digital art and animation. I have been researching about digital artist and the art they produce. And geesh it blew me away the way the artists are so passionate and the art that they create is breathtaking. Then I started to get really enthusiastic. (Do some of you also have the problem that you are really enthusiastic about something. You start raving on about it and nobody is really interested in the thing you are talking about. Yeah that's me. All the time. anyway back to the point) I have always loved cartoons and animation. It has always been a dream of mine to like start animating and write a story to it. The thought of make art digitally seemed really exciting. Knowing it wouldn't be easy I bought a wacom tablet and downloaded a few softwares and here I am trying these new things out not really knowing what it is all about. Thank god for the internet. So (finally coming to my point) I thought it might be interesting for newbies like me to have someone in the same process as they are in reporting about their experiences. Although I may not be that great of a help maybe my failures (hehe) will show that people that are starting to get into digital art or animation world aren't alone with their struggles. And so talented artists can have a good laugh. (Maybe my future self can also laugh at myself). So that is the whole purpose of the blog: for beginners to realize they're not alone making mistakes. Wow why did I even write such a long text? If you can't tell I enjoy to write too. So stick around I have some work in process.
Till then stay healthy and draw on.
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